Our partners have many benefits and our task is to always support them in every way. In order to achieve quality and long-term cooperation, we are always interested in mutual interest and mutual satisfaction!
Our basic mission is to help all registered users to be as successful as possible, because if we succeed, then the Partyaner itself has succeeded!
What we can offer even more is to form a partnership in order to support each other in order to increase visibility, visits, but also influence.
What does each of our partner get?
- Featured logo with a link on our Partyaner cover, where all our partners are shown
- +2000 Partycoins for consumption on Partyaner that can be used for advertising, creating profiles, getting in touch, arranging cooperation, managing...
- FREE banner at the desired location for 3 months
- FREE post + story of your Ads/Events/Profiles as desired on all our social profiles
- Tracking your events by promoting you through our social profiles, but also our Partyaner platform where you can see all event announcements and Ads
- An invitation to every our exclusive event organized by Partyaner, where we will always feature all our partners
- Personalized support for using Partyaner (if needed)
Terms of partnership
We expect our partners to support us as well, so that:
- It is desirable that they be in one of the industries dealt with by Partyaner
- Place our banner on their website
- Post the Partyaner icon/square logo on their website together with a link to their Partyaner profile (if any), so place it where the icons on other social networks are displayed as well
- Post a story once a month on their social profiles and tag at least one of our social profiles (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter)
- If it is possible for them to post a short article about us on their website or social media profile, why they use Partyaner and why they would be happy to recommend us to others
- At their events they recommend Partyaner, and they can additionally place our logo in their presentations, on banners, etc.
Contact us with ideas and suggestions for collaboration via our contact form. We will be happy to consider all your applications and we will contact you as soon as possible.
We look forward to our joint successful and long-term cooperation!
Read more about Partyaner here.